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What Are Holistic Therapies & How Can They Help In The Workplace?

Workplace wellbeing services set up in a boardroom
Relaxing setup in a boardroom

Holistic therapies refer to alternative and complementary approaches to health and wellbeing that focus on treating the whole person – mind, body, and spirit – rather than just addressing specific symptoms. Incorporating these therapies in the workplace can offer various benefits for employees and the company as a whole. Here are some advantages of using holistic therapies in the workplace:

1. Stress reduction: Holistic therapies often emphasise relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness practices, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Lowering stress levels can lead to improved overall wellbeing in the workplace and increased productivity. Other effective therapies are Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Reiki.

2. Enhanced mental health: Holistic therapies promote mental wellbeing by addressing emotional and psychological aspects. Techniques like mindfulness, art therapy, or nature-based interventions can help employees cope with emotional challenges and maintain a positive mental outlook.

3. Increased productivity: When employees experience reduced stress and better mental health, they are more likely to be focused, motivated, and productive. Holistic therapies can enhance concentration and creativity, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making.

4. Improved physical health: Holistic therapies often include physical activities like yoga, tai chi, and massage therapy. These activities can contribute to better physical health, such as improved flexibility, reduced muscle tension, and enhanced circulation.

5. Employee morale and satisfaction: Offering holistic therapies demonstrates that the organisation values the wellbeing of its employees beyond their job performance. This can boost employee morale, job satisfaction, and loyalty, leading to a more positive work environment.

6. Lower healthcare costs: By promoting preventive measures and encouraging healthy habits, holistic therapies can contribute to reducing healthcare costs for both employees and the organisation. Healthier employees are less likely to take sick leave and may have fewer chronic health issues.

7. Team building and camaraderie: Some holistic therapies, like team-building exercises or group meditation and mindfulness sessions, can foster a sense of community among employees. Strengthening social bonds can improve teamwork and collaboration within the organisation.

8. Reduced absenteeism: As holistic therapies support overall wellbeing, employees may experience fewer health related issues, leading to reduced absenteeism and increased attendance.

9. Work-life balance: Implementing holistic therapies can encourage employees to prioritise their work-life balance and invest time in self-care. This can lead to a more engaged and committed workforce.

10. Attraction and retention of talent: Offering holistic therapies can be an attractive benefit for potential employees and may increase the likelihood of retaining current talent. It sets the organization apart as one that values employee wellbeing and holistic development.

It is essential to implement holistic therapies in a thoughtful and inclusive manner, considering the diverse needs and preferences of the workforce. Integrating such programs alongside traditional healthcare benefits can create a comprehensive approach to employee wellbeing and foster a more positive and productive work environment.

Contact us for further information on workplace wellbeing days and events.

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